
Types of Robos

1.Rescue Robot
            A rescue robot is a robot that has been designed for the purpose of aiding rescue workers.Common situations that employ rescue robots are mining accidents, urban disasters, hostage situations, and explosions. Rescue robots were used in the search for victims and survivors after the September 11 attacks in New York.The benefits of rescue robots to these operations include reduced personnel requirements, reduced fatigue, and access to otherwise unreachable areas.
              During September 11 disasters rescue robots were first really tested. They were sent into the rubble to look for survivors and bodies. The robots had trouble working in the rubble of the World Trade Center and were constantly getting stuck or broken. Since then many new ideas have been formed about rescue robots. Engineers and scientists are trying to change the shapes of the robots and take them from wheels to no wheels. “Strong government funding and support is needed if search and rescued robots are to see widespread use in fewer than 10 years.This means that without the help of government the technology for these devices are not available or they cost too much. These robots are very important in disaster scenarios and are hopefully taking a change for the better.
                Rescue robots in development are being made to be able to search, reconnaissance and mapping, removing or shoring up rubble, delivery of supplies, medical treatment, and evacuation of casualties. Even with all these ideas coming about there are still some technical challenges that remain. Robin Murphy, a professor of computer science and engineering, says that “Real disasters are infrequent, and every one is different. The robots never get used exactly the way you think they will, and they keep uncovering new bottlenecks and problems. So it’s an emerging technology

2.Mobile Robot

          A mobile robot is an automatic machine that is capable of movement in any given environment.
              Mobile robots have the capability to move around in their environment and are not fixed to one physical location. In contrast, industrial robots usually consist of a jointed arm (multi-linked manipulator) and gripper assembly (or end effector) that is attached to a fixed surface.
             Mobile robots are a major focus of current research and almost every major university has one or more labs that focus on mobile robot research. Mobile robots are also found in industry, military and security environments. Domestic robots are consumer products, including entertainment robots and those that perform certain household tasks such as vacuuming or gardening.
Mobile robots may be classified by:

3.Domestic Bots

             A domestic robot, or service robot, is an autonomous robot that is used for household chores. Thus far, there are only a few limited models, though speculators, such as Bill Gates, have suggested that they could become more common in the future. Many domestic robots are used for basic household chores. Others are educational or entertainment robots, such as the HERO line of the 1980s. While most domestic robots are simplistic, some are connected to WiFi home networks or smart environments and are autonomous to a high degree. There were an estimated 3,540,000 service robots in use in 2006, compared with an estimated 950,000 industrial robots.

Types of domestic robots are
  • In home robots
  • Outdoor
  • Toys
  • Social Robots

4.Military Bots

             Broadly defined, military robots date back to World War II and the Cold War in the form of the German Goliath tracked mines and the Soviet teletanks. The MQ-1 Predator drone was when "CIA officers began to see the first practical returns on their decade-old fantasy of using aerial robots to collect intelligence".
          The use of robots in warfare, although traditionally a topic for science fiction, is being researched as a possible future means of fighting wars. Already several military robots have been developed by various armies.
        Some believe the future of modern warfare will be fought by automated weapons systems.The U.S. Military is investing heavily in research and development towards testing and deploying increasingly automated systems. The most prominent system currently in use is the unmanned aerial vehicle (IAI Pioneer & RQ-1 Predator) which can be armed with Air-to-ground missiles and remotely operated from a command centre in reconnaissance roles. DARPA has hosted competitions in 2004 & 2005 to involve private companies and universities to develop unmanned ground vehicles to navigate through rough terrain in the Mojave Desert for a final prize of $2 Million.
         The field of artillery has also seen some promising research with an experimental weapons system named "Dragon Fire II" which automates the loading and ballistics calculations required for accurate predicted fire, providing a 12 second response time to fire support requests. However, weapons of warfare have one limitation in becoming fully autonomous: they require human input at certain intervention points to ensure that targets are not within restricted fire areas as defined by Geneva Conventions for the laws of war.
                There have been some developments towards developing autonomous fighter jets and bombers.The use of autonomous fighters and bombers to destroy enemy targets is especially promising because of the lack of training required for robotic pilots, autonomous planes are capable of performing manoeuvres which could not otherwise be done with human pilots (due to high amount of G-Force), plane designs do not require a life support system, and a loss of a plane does not mean a loss of a pilot. However, the largest draw back to robotics is their inability to accommodate for non-standard conditions. Advances in artificial intelligence in the near future may help to rectify this.

5.Medical Bots

           Medical robots are robots that allow surgeons greater access to areas under operation using more precise and less invasive methods. They are in most telemanipulators, which use the surgeon's actions on one side to control the "effector" on the other side.

Types of medical robots

       Their most important feature is their high precision.
Rehabilitation robots 
This group facilitates and supports the lives of infirm, elderly people, or those with dysfunction of body parts effecting movement. These robots are also used for rehabilitation and related procedures, such as training and therapy.
A group of robots designed to imitate the cognition of humans and animals.
Telepresence robots
Allow off-site medical professionals to move, look around, communicate, and participate from remote locations.

6.School Bots

           The appeal of robots and robotics technology among teenagers and young adults is well known. According to The Next Generation Education Robotics Summit powered by Robotics Trends, forecasts show that robotics education will soon become commonplace in pre-college and college classrooms throughout the industrialized world. It has been proven that incorporating robotics into education is a great tool to counter school drop out rates and encourage young minds to embrace a career in science and technology.

7.Reading Robot

             A literate or 'reading robot' named Marge has intelligence that comes from software. She can read newspapers, find and correct misspelled words, learn about banks like Barclays, and understand that some restaurants are better places to eat than others.